Dignity Action Day
LakeviewDignity Action Day takes place on 1st Feb 2018. Across the nation Champions are busy planning fundraising events to support the Dignity Action Day campaign and raise awareness of the importance of Dignity in Care. Don’t miss this opportunity to join in and enjoy a memorable day promoting Dignity.
Cinema Afternoon
Waters EdgeCinema afternoon watching 'A Room with a View' at Waters Edge
Cafe Church
Waters EdgeThis popular service is held every Tuesday in the tea room at 2pm. The service is supported by father John and Margaret. We enjoy Hymn’s, stories, prayers and a blessing, ending the service with some lovely refreshments. A lovely, friendly service where we welcome new friends and new faces! Please come along and join us everyone…
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Italian Quiz & History Lesson
Waters EdgeJoin us at Waters Edge for an Italian Quiz and History lesson from 11am.
Food Tasting afternoon
Waters EdgeSample some Italian Delicacy at Waters Edge
Shrove Tuesday
Waters EdgeContinuing the Italian theme Waters Edge will be holding pancake day celebrations with an Italian twist.
Cafe Church
Waters EdgeThis popular service is held every Tuesday in the tea room at 2pm. The service is supported by father John and Margaret. We enjoy Hymn’s, stories, prayers and a blessing, ending the service with some lovely refreshments. A lovely, friendly service where we welcome new friends and new faces! Please come along and join us everyone…
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Valentines Day
Waters EdgeValentines Day will be celebrated across Waters Edge, Lakeview and Coniston Centre.
Waters EdgeItalian inspired who wants to be a millionaire Quiz.
Cafe Church
Waters EdgeThis popular service is held every Tuesday in the tea room at 2pm. The service is supported by father John and Margaret. We enjoy Hymn’s, stories, prayers and a blessing, ending…
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