A sea of Poppies in the Gardens at Alpha Health Care to start the homes Remember November campaign.
A wonderful tribute has been created by staff and residents in the gardens and grounds of Lakeview and Waters Edge care homes, owned by Alpha Health Care.
The idea for a tribute display was started back in the summer. Remembrance Sunday is always such an important date in the diary for residents and staff at Alpha Health Care. This year we wanted to not only remember and pay tribute to the service and sacrifice of those that have defended our freedoms but to also reflect and remember on all those that have been lost.
For our Remember November tribute we have taken inspiration from the Royal British Legion Fields of Remembrance and planted nearly 3,000 poppies which have been made from recycled bottles and turned into a fabulous poppy display.
We have had so much support from Local Schools who have also made poppies for us to decorate our windows, reception, residents’ lounges and rooms. We have also received donations mainly via Facebook of over 500 knitted poppies which have been attached to camouflage walling to help the display inside look as impressive as outside.
Caroline Wood, Head of Care Services who came up with the original concept said “We have been overwhelmed with the support we have received from the local community to help make our poppy display so very special”.
“Back in the summer we started collecting empty plastic bottles and the residents and staff have worked so hard to transform these into wonderful poppies. We are delighted how the display as turned out and we look forward to enjoying it during the whole month of November where we have a full programme of meaningful activities and events planned for our Remember November campaign”.